Tag: Conditions

  • Prima facie case

    Interim Measures: Prima facie caseThe practices focused on by the action for interim measures must prima facie be likely to constitute an infringement of competition rules.More about Prima facie caseAccording to the General Court in La Cinq <a name=t1 href=#f1 target="_self&qu…

  • Interim Measures Conditions

    Interim Measures: ConditionsAccording to case law 1 previous to Regulation 1/2003, interim measures could only be granted provided the following conditions were fulfilled: – the impugned practices had to be prima facie breaches of the EU com…

  • Interim Measures Urgency

    Interim Measures: UrgencyRegulation 1/2003 provides that interim measures should only be granted in cases of urgency due to the risk of serious and irreparable harm to competition.More about Interim Measures UrgencyIn order to qualify as "urgent", the case must call for i…