Tag: Cover letter

  • Statement of Objections Cover Letter

    Statement of Objections Cover LetterThe cover letter sending the SO to the parties will be signed by the Director-General of DG COMP, but the SG adds the date and notifies to the addressees. The cover letter should contain the following: – a deadline for the reply <a name=t1 href=#f1 target…

  • Statement of Objections Deadline for Reply Extension

    Statement of Objections Deadline for Reply ExtensionIf a party considers that the deadline is too short, it can seek an extension, within the initial time-limit, by making a reasoned request to DG Competition at least 10 working days before the expiry of the original time limit. <a name=t1 …

  • Statement of Objections Reply initial time-limit

    Statement of Objections Deadline for Reply: initial time-limitThe deadline to reply to the SO starts when the parties have received the most important documents from the Commission's file (i.e. the CD-ROM/DVD)$$33% and time begins to run as from the day after the receipt of these docume…

  • Statement of Objections Submission of the reply

    Statement of Objections: Modalities for submission of the replyThe modalities for submission of the reply are set out in Article 10(3) of Regulation No 773/2004, which contains the following provisions: "The parties may, in their written submissions, set out all facts known to them whi…

  • Statement of Objections access to file

    Statement of Objections: Information on access to fileThe cover letter sending the SO should mention that the parties have a right to access to the file 1 and the arrangements proposed for that (see detailed description in the Module Access …

  • Requesting a oral hearing

    Statement of Objections: Possibility to request a oral hearingThe cover letter should further indicate that the parties have the opportunity to develop their arguments at an oral hearing, if they so request in their written submissions. 1 <h3…

  • Rrequesting confidentiality

    Statement of Objections: Possibility to request confidentialityThe undertakings or associations of undertakings should be required to identify any part of an SO adopted by the Commission which in their view contains business secrets (Article 16(3) of Regulation No 773/2004). The Commission …