Tag: EX

  • Extra-territoriality

    Extra-territoriality in the European Union LawConcept of Extra-territoriality provided by the "Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy" (Antitrust and control of concentrations, published in 2002): Term normally used to describe the exercise by a sovereign State of […]

  • Exclusive distribution

    Exclusive distribution in the European Union LawConcept of Exclusive distribution provided by the "Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy" (Antitrust and control of concentrations, published in 2002): A distribution system, in which a company grants exclusive rights on its […]

  • Exhaustion

    Exhaustion in the European Union LawConcept of Exhaustion provided by the "Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy" (Antitrust and control of concentrations, published in 2002): Intellectual property rights (IPRs) such as patents and trademarks give the developer certain […]

  • Exclusionary practice

    Exclusionary practice in the European Union LawConcept of Exclusionary practice provided by the "Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy" (Antitrust and control of concentrations, published in 2002): Practice by a dominant company that tends to impair the opportuni-ties of […]

  • Ex Officio Action

    Interim Measures: Ex Officio ActionArticle 8(1) of Regulation 1/2003 explicitly confirms that the Commission may issue an interim order 'acting on its own initiative'.More about Ex Officio ActionWhile it can be expected that undertakings being harmed by anti-competitive con…