Tag: Initiation of commitment discussions

  • State of Play meeting

    State of play meetingDG Competition endeavours to give, on its own initiative or upon request, parties subject to the proceedings ample opportunity for open and frank discussions and to make their points of view known throughout the procedure. 1<…

  • Submission of an informal commitments offer

    Submission of an informal commitments offerShould the parties, after being confronted with the Commission's concerns in the State of Play meeting, decide to offer commitments, they need to convince the Commission that this offer is serious and credible <a name=t1 href=#f1 target="_…

  • Commitment discussions

    Initiation of commitment discussionsUndertakings may contact DG Competition at any point in time to explore its readiness to enter into commitment discussions. DG Competition encourages undertakings to signal at the earliest possible stage their interest in discussing commitments. However, …