Tag: Not Published

  • Timing of the publication

    Publication of Decisions: Timing of the publication in the Official JournalThere are no explicit legal requirements regarding the timing of the publication in the OJ.More about Timing of the publicationThe publication of the summary of the decision in the OJ may under certain circu…

  • Publication of Decisions

    Publication of Decisions: What may not be publishedThe information that may not be published can be summarized as follows: – Confidential information, in particular business secrets, 1 – Personal data, <a name=t2 href=#f2 target="_self&…

  • Place of publication

    Place of the Decision publication in the Official JournalThe summary, the final report of the Hearing Officer and the opinion of the Advisory Committee are published in the OJ in series C under the heading IV – Notices – Notices from European Union institutions, bodies and agencies.Reso…

  • Official Journal Corrigenda

    Publication of Decisions: Official Journal CorrigendaIn case an adopted decision contains mistakes, corrections will be implemented following the relevant procedure. If the OJ publication is not yet undertaken, the summary will be corrected and reference is made to the corrigendum decision….