Tag: Submission of Observations

  • Time for observations submitted

    When should observations be submitted?a) How will DG Competition know about a pending case?More about Time for observations submittedDG Competition may have knowledge about individual cases from different sources, notably • because (one of) the parties inform(s) DG Competition…

  • Preparation of submissions in the Commission

    How is the preparation of submissions dealt with in the Commission?The DG Competition Policy Director (Director of COMP/A), upon the suggestion of Unit A1 and in co-operation with the competent sectoral unit, may propose that the Commission submit observations to the national court.More…

  • Observations in Cooperation

    Observations on what?The Commission will only submit observations when the coherent application of Articles 101 or 102 TFEU so requires (see Court of Justice, Case C-429/07, Inspecteur van de Belastingdienst). The decision to submit observations should always be made with regard to the purp…

  • Amicus curiae intervention by the Commission

    The submission of written or oral observations to national courts (Article 15(3) of Regulation 1/2003) (amicus curiae intervention by the Commission)The principles governing requests for opinions are explained in paras. 27 to 30 of the Notice. The following indications should be read in con…