Tag: Transmission of information to National Authorities

  • Specific confidentiality safeguards

    Specific confidentiality safeguardsIn exceptional cases where a risk exists that a Member State competition authority could not guarantee that commercially sensitive information is not used by another "arm of the State" for purposes other than the enforcement of Articles 101 and 1…

  • Reply to a transmission request

    The reply to a transmission requestThe following instructions start from the assumption that the Commission is in possession of the requested information. Where that is not the case, the case team should indicate this during the informal contacts to the other authority. If the case-handler …

  • Informing the providers of the information

    Informing the providers of the information of the transmissionIf the information was provided to the Commission by a complainant, the latter may be informed of the transmission, after contacting the receiving authority to make sure that such a measure would not jeopardise its investigations…

  • Article 11(2) of Regulation 1/2003

    Article 11(2) of Regulation 1/2003Certain information and documents are sent to the competition authorities of the Member State without prior request. This rule applies to the "most important documents the Commission has collected with a view to applying Articles 7 to 10 and 29(1) of R…

  • Article 12 of Regulation 1/2003

    Article 12 of Regulation 1/2003Article 12 allows the NCAs to ask the Commission to provide them with information. In principle, the Commission should accede to such request unless there are compelling reasons to refuse.More about Article 12 of Regulation 1/2003The request can refer…

  • Authorised Disclosure Officer

    Role of the Authorised Disclosure Officer ("ADO")The Commission and all other ECN members have appointed Authorised Disclosure Officers ("ADO") to ensure that confidential information is being transmitted in an appropriate way <a name=t1 href=#f1 target="_self"…