Commitments (or remedies) in the European Union Law
Concept of Commitments (or remedies) provided by the “Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy” (Antitrust and control of concentrations, published in 2002): Proposal by the parties to a () concentration to modify their origi-nally notified project within a specified period (for example, by divest-ing a business or assets). Such commitments must address the competition concerns raised by the Commission and restore compe-tition in the relevant product and geographic markets. They can form the basis for the Commission's clearance of the notified concentra-tion. The Commission may attach () conditions and/or () obliga-tions to its clearance decision, so as to ensure compliance with the commitments offered.
A similar approach is applied by the Commission in procedures aimed at clearing ( Negative clearance) or exempting notified agreements ( Individual exemption), as well as in proceedings dealing with the () abuse of a dominant position.
(See: Articles 6(2) and 8(2) of the merger regulation; Commission notice on
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